Training & Supervision
The Vision offers contemporary training in a variety of subjects. The subject areas focus on development areas for organisations supporting with children and young people. See our services and training portfolio attached for details. We also offer bespoke training based on the needs of your organisation.
The Vision offers 1:1 and group reflective supervision. The session draws on a range of theories and models to support reflection and development.
Training & reflective supervision is co-designed and co-facilitated by therapeutic social workers and lived experienced experts.
Imagine an inspection framework that combines Ofsted's social care common inspection framework (SCCIF) & a framework produced from the views & experiences of the care experienced community. This is what The Vision offers! Inspections will be completed by care experienced experts and a social care professional with Ofsted social care regulatory inspection experience. The Vision offers half day and full day audits.
Inner Spark Programme
The Vision's ethos is all about removing the power imbalance and empowering others. This programme empowers others by using various therapeutic models to build resilience and develop social and emotional tools. This programme is delivered by therapeutic social workers & lived experienced experts.